Saturday 6 June 2015

31 Days of Music Discovery| Day 6 K-Pop

I popped out of my music comfort zone to Korean Pop music. I took that leap, I did! I would be lying if i said i have never ventured into the world of K-Pop! I had my fair share of Big Bang a few years ago, particularly because one of the guys' name is AJ; which happens to be my self-designated nickname.
I decided i would listen to the girl kpop group, After School. I am currently enveloped in nostalgia about school and college and that is probably the biggest reason for finding them. I love how they're all so doll-like and cute. The first song i watched was "Flashback".
I loved the video and I particularly loved the last strut.

I am currently listening to their album "Virgin". To be honest, i do not know a thing they're singing about, but the tune is catchy and i wouldn't mind if it was the soundtrack of my life because it's just like my life. I have no idea what's happening, but i would like some good music to dance to whilst being clueless. I dont know. Here:

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