Monday 15 June 2015

31 Days of Music Discovery| Days 11-15

When i started this off i did not consider factors such as family functions, then falling sick after these functions and my general state of mind for not being able to "discover" music. The past four days I haven't even touched my computer as I've been enjoying living the lives of fictional characters from books I've been reading and just needed an escape from reality. But I did however find new artists.
So in five days I've discovered two artists.

Panda Bear

I was under the impression that Panda Bear was a band. Obviously drawn to it because of the name. But it actually consists of this cool guy in the picture and Panda Bear is "experimental", electronic music. He does have a band though, named "Animal Collective". I listened to the album Tom Boy. It's pretty good and quite I enjoyed it. It was the type of electronic music that i found i could enjoy and so I give it a thumbs up.

Jeremy Loops

I found Jeremy Loops on JacksGap's channel on YouTube through their series 'Shed Sessions".
Jeremy Loops is from Cape Town and makes really catchy, folk-type, happy-sounding tunes that made me rock my head from side to side and clap my hands and tap my feet to the beats (all at the same time of course). His music is perfect on a gloomy monday evening with tea and a spirit that is in need of  lifting. He is definetly an artist i will keep returning to listen to!

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