Tuesday 6 January 2015

2015 Reading Challenge

Oh hello there! No, i haven't fallen off the face of the earth, as some would like to think of my whereabouts. I know the previous book challenge i took up was an utter failure. Failure is just a lesson learnt here for me, to not set unrealistic reading goals.
Therefore, as a part of my New Year 2015 Resolution and under the subsection "Intellectual Goals" of my "Life Goals", I'm taking up the 2015 Reading Challenge!
Whilst scrolling through Pinterest, I found this list and even before my mind could process it, i knew the answer to, "Should I do this?" was "YESSSS!"

I shall keep a track of the books i read this year, here! It's going to be just like Julie & Julia except, there's no Julia at all and the "recipes" I'm trying will feed the hunger of my mind! 
A few of my friends are also joining in and it's going to be a book rave if you ask me! 
Join in the fun if you like! 

With this, i start The Bookworm Saga 2015! :D 

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