Wednesday 3 June 2015

31 Days of Music Discovery| Day 3

June Day 3
Artist : Oh Honey
Source: Oh Honey Facebook
Oh Honey is (another) male&female duo. What's new?! I found them again through Oh Wonder. (Oh i wonder why?! COOKIIIEES!) So two out of three new artists I've discovered are a male/female duo, have "oh" in their name and sound amazing. This could be because the male and female voices together sounds something akin to knitting a scarf with two colours of yarn; warm and diverse. Sort of. Other than these similarities, their music styles are completely different. Oh Honey has an upbeat, happy, fist pumping kind of sound. The first song I listened to was :  
Oh Honey- Sugar, You
When I showed this song to my friend she said and I quote "Hehehehe, I bet they are big on saccharinity!" I agreed, after i looked up what saccharinity meant!
Most of their songs, if not all makes me want to tap my leg aggresively and fist pump thusly.
Or I could swing dance and do the twirling-with-hands-interlocked-with-each-other step with anyone. I exaggerate. Or do I?!

Anyway, they have wonderful music, have two EPs out and will lift your spirits. Check them out here:

(P.S.-They sort of remind me of some other musicians. I just can't put my finger on it. If someone knows, PLEASE let me now!)

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