Thursday 23 January 2014

Sweat Log

I've been trying to get fit. I'm what society refers to as "Fat, with a severe case of ugly" (not in those exact words, since society does not have such a vast vocab) Societal pressure aside, im doing it for me. Lose the flab, be fab. As much as I don't want to give into the pressures of society, i have to be honest, and say that i have. How is there a large scale agreement on the right standards of beauty, right and wrong? My definition of beauty may not be your definition of beauty, but if i have the ability to find the beauty in something you don't that doesn't make me wrong or you right, right? After the extreme deviation from the point of this blog post, I will retrace my way back and state hereon that i will keep the electronic void updated about my exercising activities. I made this blog, four days after i started my fitness regime. I hope the existence of this post will motivate me to stick to my daily workout plan. I don't want to let you down reader. For me and YOU! Imma do thiss!

So i walk in a public park a few meters away from my house. I start off with an initial slow round, followed by a brisk walk for another round, third and fourth rounds are jogging rounds and fifth is brisk walking and i conclude this routine with a relaxing sixth round. As per my knowledge the track is approximately one km. Which is not bad since i walk a total of six km per day.  Week One has been good, but today and tomorrow will be no-work-out-day because of the inter-college commerce fest that i have to cover(I'm a photographer by the way)

Stay tuned. Or not. But i'll update anyway!

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