Tuesday 28 January 2014

Looking for Alaska

Spoiler alert! If you haven't read the book, please do, after which you may return to read on.
At first the title suggests the possibility of Alaska running away or something of that sort. But well, that would mean it would be within our comfort zones, beloved Alaska Young is just missing, surely Pudge will find her and they'll fall in love and live happily ever after. But no! John Green knows how it's done. How to set off the waterworks. Though there is a clear indication of what happens to Alaska in the "Before" i just did not feel like believing it till the Eagle himself said it. The easy narrative style,simple and witty dialogues that make so much sense, yet retaining it's simplicity is a delight to read. The Alaska Young Memorial Prank really hit me in the feels. Alaska's wild nature really touched the lives of everyone at her school and the fact that her friends suffering silently with guilt, try and investigate her "accicide"/"suident" blaming themselves for her death and pull of the best annual prank to etch Alaska in everybody's mind and hearts just left me sobbing and sniffing and hurting.
I've never been the one to cope with death easily. Even in fiction novels. Looking For Alaska, is the second John Green book I'v read the other being The Fault In Our Stars. Both of these books left me hurting and crying for the undeath of his characters. I'm definitely reading all of his books in the near future and i shall definitely blog my feels after.
bookworm sign off

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