Tuesday 9 June 2015

31 Days of Music Discovery| Day 9

June, Day 9
Artist: Warpaint
I think I may have found a gem today! Warpaint, a four-piece, indie, all girl band. I cannot believe i had not heard of them before. But now that I have, I couldn't be happier.

Look at that picture! They look like they know they're about to take over my life! That's right. Firstly, I listened to their self-titled album, "Warpaint". Yes, you guessed it! I loved it! I'm no expert genre-ist so i googled it found that they are indie, psychedelic rock, art rock and dream pop. That i the most accurate genre description because that's exactly what they sound like. I get a calm, dreamy, trance like feel from their songs. 


Since they have two studio albums, I listened to both of the albums.
"The Fool"
This album is more upbeat. At times it even reminded me of the band "Daughter". It has a very 60's or 70's feel to it. I think I like it better than their self-titled album. I will certainly keep coming back to them a lot!

Good music excites me so much! :D

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