Sunday 22 June 2014


It has been ten days since my last post. While everyone's been 'interneting' and what not, i've not, clearly. No that does not mean i've been living under a rock or anything. I have been on my tumblr, since my blogging on tumblr mainly involves incessant alt+right clicks, it doesn't need much thinking and it's extremely entertaining. My mind has been a muddle of thoughts and i could not focus on one thing for a good ten days. Hence, the lack of posts. I did, in this time finish reading The Shining and An Abundance of Katherines. I will post my opinions and views about it soon. Due to my lost thoughts i could not bring myself to write about it.
Classes have been a bore, i'm ashamed to say. I have not started vlogging or i would have told you. But i did get a hair cut. Bangs and all! I look like the watermelon cat. My friend and I were conversing and all of a sudden she clapped her hands and said "I KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE! The watermelon cat. I'm gonna make a picture and show you." And did she! Have a look. Do i look like though?
(photo credit: Tanu Lahoti)
Also, FIFA is under way. The team i loyally support has not qualified, the team being Spain. They played like noobs and i was disappointed, enough said. FIFA also gave an idea to make a list of the ten footballers i find attractive. As intriguing as that sounds i have not found time to do it. YET! 
JacksGap, the youtube channel have a collaboration project which i was keen on participating. So, i very bravely did. I shall inform you if it does get to be a part of their video. (fingers crossed) 
I also have a few other projects in mind. These involve videos, photography, stories. I will surely record the progress here to keep track. 
Will post substantial posts soon!
 See you soon! 

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