Thursday 5 June 2014

"If music be the food of love, play on"

Now that you know about my love for books. I must tell you about my other true love. (yes i have more than one true love. I have that much love to give) It is as the blog title suggest-s MUSIC. (Food also, but we'll get to that later.) I love music so much, i must tell you it refreshes my mind, soul and body. I constantly need background music. From the time i wake up in the morning, upto the time i fall asleep. I need music. I just cannot function otherwise. When i'm out and about i always have a song playing in my head. The playlist in my head is pretty relevant. It's almost like my life is a movie, isn't it? With the right song playing at the right time, capturing the emotions being felt by me just perfectly.
 I personally like punk-rock, metalcore and indie rock. (I'll make a band bucket list and put it up soon!) But i also listen to Justin Timberlake (i mean, who doesn't) and some other mainstream artists who are bearable. But i must point out, music for me has nothing to do with who's making them. If it's a good song, i will love it. I love songs by the degree of how much i can relate to it. I shit you not, there are songs that make me weep like a baby because of how much it hits me "in the feels". (x) That's the only accurate way of putting it, i must say.
Then there are other songs i simply like to groove to. Even there i get to relate to the song, don't i? The direct relation between my groove and that of the song. HAh! I actually need to actualize my groove ratio hm...!

I think its the right time to say that music has indeed saved my life. It's not a cheesy statement. It's an  emotionally accurate and sufficient statement. There is a song for every mood. But the part where the right song plays for me, when i feel a certain emotion is what gets me. It's like music does not want me to feel low. It helps me get rid of my pent up frustrations, anger and annoyances. I mosh in my room and i won't lie. There will be excessive posts about music so fret not!

P.S.- Blog title taken from the Of Mice & Men song- This One's For You, inspired by Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

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