Wednesday 4 June 2014

Books I recently purchased | Book Club

My exams have just come to an end and i went out book shopping. I am currently reading The Shining by Stephen King. I sometimes feel ashamed that i haven't  read classic books till this age. But the important part is that i am now. Does anyone else feel that? I dont know.
This post is going to be about my short-term reading list. Books i have bought and hope to read ASAP (gaaah)

Currently reading:

On my list:
(in no particular order)

1) An Abundance of Katherines - John Green

2) Salem's Lot - Stephen King 

3) Cujo- Stephen King

4) The Bourne Identity- Robert Ludlum

5) A Song of Fire and Ice - Book 1- Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

6) The Secret -Rhonda Byrne

I am extremely sorry about the terrible pictures. But hope my hand gives it a personal touch. It was an impromptu thing because i thought the blog would look more colourful! 

The Shining is the book i am currently reading. it was a gift from my aunt. I  actually started reading The Shining a month ago. No i am not a slow reader, but my rotten exams got in the way and *sigh*. It is considered to be one of the most scariest books written. I might just do a review soon, for the people like me who're late readers of good old books.

So, An Abundance of Katherines was also a gift from my friends because they know how much i love John Green writing. I am a fan of the vlogbrothers (much lately though) and i must say the Green brothers really make me happy ok!  

I may come across as a Stephen King fanatic. That's because i probably am. I do not understand how i missed the opportunity of falling in love with the best thriller writer and his books much earlier in life. I just do not know how! I have always been fascinated by the supernatural, horror movies and things alike. And to not be a fan of Stephen King? WOW! But i am there now, i am here. Catching up on the lost time by binge reading Stephen King books! I found Salem's Lot and Cujo at a local bookstore that sells books at really really really low prices. The books are quite old though but that makes it even better doesn't it? Cannot wait to read these!

A few years ago, at the annual Book Sale that is held in my city i bought the entire Bourne Series- except one. The FIRST ONE! Can you imagine the heights of my stupidity? And for a long time i have hunted for the first part. And finally i found it in the local bookstore where i found Cujo and Salem's lot! Now the ball can be set in motion eh? If you're thinking, "Woman just watch the movies!", I say, 'Kind person, i will after i read it, thank you'. I actually have watched The Bourne Identity. I don't remember it though so...yeah. 

Aaah! The Game of Thrones. Now a major HBO original series. Yes. Believe it or not i haven't started watching the series. The same reason i haven't watched the Bourne series. Yes I am THAT person!

The Secret. I have read it a dozen times but seem to lose the message of the book a lot. Hence, my habit of re-reading it again!

I will probably review these books once I've read them. Or lets put it this way. Express my humble opinion. Because i am honestly no reviewer and cannot call my juvenile opinions reviews! So stay tuned bookworms! 

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