Monday 9 June 2014

"To vlog or not to vlog, that is the question"

I've developed a recent urge to make and edit videos. It could just be a fad considering i've been binge watching youtubers for a while. Not so long ago i was asked to edit a video for the senior year graduation. I was expected to make a rough-amatuer video in less than three hours. Considering i did not even know what button did what, i took up the challenge nonetheless. I do not know how, but i got the basic functionality of the video editor in a matter of minutes and i was off excitedly making a, what turned out to be a pretty fun(ny) video. That was probably when i realized i really liked editing videos.

[Watch the video i made if you like]

Then of course my obsession with youtube studstars. I've always found it extremely interesting that a bunch of normal people talking about their somewhat normal life are treated like celebrities. Of course it's not just rant rant rant, they make ordinary things sound extraordinary with humour and well-timed wit. I consider myself a mediocrely funny person. By mediocre i mean hella lot. (strangle me now) Honestly who doesn't right? RIGHT?! Right. I do have some ideas for videos that i think are good. But is that enough? I thought, Hey! There are no vloggers/ youtubers from india. Maybe its an unventured area that should be utilised. BUT, maybe no one has ventured here because of the lack of audience? What if i can actually make this a fruitful venture? What if i can't? Questions like these eating my brain away, whilst the opportunity i may or may not have slips from my fingers.   I think i may just give it a go. I don't have anything to lose, but i may have much to gain. Aren't i right?

My last academic year of degree college just started. I have a tendency to forget really unforgettable and happy memories. Yes, i somehow manage to do that. No, I am not proud. It makes me mad! So i can combine the need to remember with my urge to vlog and make a sort of video-memoir of my last year of college. Is this or is this not a good idea? Hopefully i can step out of my comfort zone soon and start doing things instead of blog-complain about them! Send me positivity people! THANK YOU!
{soz having a bad hair day}

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