Wednesday 4 June 2014

Books books books | Book Club

If i were to describe to you how much i love reading books, i wouldn't be able to express it with words because it is the best feeling in the world and i would just stand there with a pursed mouth, with my hand in mid-air, sighing with a wordless tongue because that feeling of reading books, living the characters life and going through what they are going through, crying with them, laughing with them, and journeying from the start to the end, cannot be summed up into a few letters or a few sentences.

For the above reason i have dedicated a page on my blog for the books i have read, i am currently reading and will want to read in the future. I will review the books (? Probably) and if there's anyone out there who is interested, we could make an actual book club (Such FUN!)

Hope nothing stands in the way of my love for books and me!

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