Tuesday 28 January 2014

(Book Challenge) Update

This week is a hard week for reading one book let alone three, since there is a cultural fest organised by the college i go to. But i have currently taken on reading the book " I Am a Soldier, Too" a biography about Pvt. First Class Jessica Lynch, written by Rick Bragg. Much needed inspiration on the way this week. I will surely cry a lot.But i already know i like this book!


bookworm sign off

Looking for Alaska

Spoiler alert! If you haven't read the book, please do, after which you may return to read on.
At first the title suggests the possibility of Alaska running away or something of that sort. But well, that would mean it would be within our comfort zones, beloved Alaska Young is just missing, surely Pudge will find her and they'll fall in love and live happily ever after. But no! John Green knows how it's done. How to set off the waterworks. Though there is a clear indication of what happens to Alaska in the "Before" i just did not feel like believing it till the Eagle himself said it. The easy narrative style,simple and witty dialogues that make so much sense, yet retaining it's simplicity is a delight to read. The Alaska Young Memorial Prank really hit me in the feels. Alaska's wild nature really touched the lives of everyone at her school and the fact that her friends suffering silently with guilt, try and investigate her "accicide"/"suident" blaming themselves for her death and pull of the best annual prank to etch Alaska in everybody's mind and hearts just left me sobbing and sniffing and hurting.
I've never been the one to cope with death easily. Even in fiction novels. Looking For Alaska, is the second John Green book I'v read the other being The Fault In Our Stars. Both of these books left me hurting and crying for the undeath of his characters. I'm definitely reading all of his books in the near future and i shall definitely blog my feels after.
bookworm sign off

Sunday 26 January 2014

Books Of Week 1

The books i was supposed to read this week were  1) Much Obliged, Jeeves. 2) Looking For Alaska. 3) Divergent. Thanks to my busy schedule involving inter-college fests, picture taking, t.v. show watching, I just managed to finish Much Obliged, Jeeves. Very disappointing, I know! I am halfway through with Looking For Alaska. (ok not exactly halfway)

Much Obliged, Jeeves was as expected, hilarious! The need to express what a brilliant writer P.G Wodehouse is the partial reason i made this blog! My dad is a big fan of his work and i am on the same path. Must read all of his books. His subtle and well delivered jokes left me laughing like a fool at the bus station(where i waited for to hours for a bus but didn't realize the time fly by because of the book). It was a good read and i do not think i have the right to review a book by legends such as Mr. P.G. Wodehouse. Maybe the next book? Or maybe im just lazy/shy to review. 

Next book post: Looking For Alaska.

bookworm sign off 

Saturday 25 January 2014

Starbucks Is 2 kms Away

I remember when i absolutely loathed coffee. But i had to start coffee intake as a result of the infamous CPT exams. That was it. I was hooked like a bed bug is to it's victim. (uh) Cliche states that a coffee-lover must anticipate Starbucks coffee. I always visualized walking around busily whilst holding a steaming cup of Starbucks coffee like an important person. But the first time i went to Starbucks all i did was look awkward and drink hot chocolate. The fact that i went to Starbucks today after imagining for a while about becoming the most loyal customer, is rewarding enough to make up for my awkward existence. On 25th Jan, 2014 i went to Starbucks for the first time!

In this way, a third world country girls dream of having Starbucks coffee came true! 

Book Challenge!

I'd like to think of myself as an intellectual being as i have an affinity for book reading. But most of the times im left staring at the numerous or rather the innumerable number of books i own, dont own, but would like to know what is in them. Read them completely and know what the best books in the world contain. So many books to read, so little time. Due to this i have challenged myself to try and read one book per day. That is a bit on the extremely impossible side of possibility so i'll stick to three books a week? Hopefully i can do this and learn the wise words of the wise men of words!   Pray that i do read all the books the world has to offer! I need the world of fantasy than the world of reality! I'll post reviews and thoughts about the books as an incentive for me to read more efficiently! 

bookworm sign off


On 11/1/2014 one of the best metal core bands ARCHITECTS came to perform at IIT-Madras. AND I WAS THERE! Not only was i there, i had exclusive access to the stage, backstage, front stage and anywhere i wanted to go to get picture! How i managed to do that is still a mystery, but at the same time etched into my head! It seemed like an impossible task at the time! Why? Because the college security was way too stringent for the likes of a few fangirls/boys like myself. All i was planning on doing was to shoot the whole concert....with a CAMERA not a GUN. I'm sorry it's so violent sounding, but seriously though. So this is how i did it.

I was meeting my twitter friend PAV for the first time there. We were on our way to an indoor gig when we heard the guitar and drums for These Colours Don't Run. We ran to the Open Air Theater (OAT). There they were. IN PERSON! THE ARCHITECTS!! That's where i met a student of the college in charge of the media passes who told me he could give me one if i had a media id. Which i did not. So i contacted a friend of mine who worked for an e-zine and asked me if he could help me out. He informed about his colleague who was at the fest and that he would definitely help me out. So i met him and he was such a sweet and patient person and listened to my rambling about how much i wanted to shoot this gig. he readily offered his position as conditions did not permit more than two persons to enter the gig. After the press concert, in which i almost had a fangirl fit, the photographer said that he was too tired and that i should cover the gig instead of him. He was literally in angel in disguise. I do  not know how i can repay the both of them for being such kind souls. It is because of them that i got to shoot the gig from the photographers pit and from the stage. The best experience ever!! Not only did i have an opportunity to photograph the ARCHITECTS, i was actually able to click a selfie with them after the show!

This is the best way i could start off my year! And i just know there is more to come!

[ For the pictures visit : https://www.facebook.com/AnushaJagannathPhotography ]


Thursday 23 January 2014

I Like Sheldon Cooper!

Sheldon Cooper our beloved genius from The Big Bang Theory is not the subject matter of this post. Why do i mention him though? That's because i may have a sissy stir of feelings for a boy who looks a bit like him. Well he is the prettiest version of Sheldon. (pretty, yes!) I would've preferred to say i met him, but that doesn't happen to an awkward person like me! So he's just a boy i saw and admired from a distance like a professional stalker. I was recently at a nationally renowned fest, where i spotted him in the food court, rising above the other humans like a coconut tree with its branches and such.  I did make up my mind to befriend him before the fest ended but as (repetitive) fate would have it, he disappeared from my stalker vision (if you can imagine) I dont see the point of this post anymore

Sweat Log

I've been trying to get fit. I'm what society refers to as "Fat, with a severe case of ugly" (not in those exact words, since society does not have such a vast vocab) Societal pressure aside, im doing it for me. Lose the flab, be fab. As much as I don't want to give into the pressures of society, i have to be honest, and say that i have. How is there a large scale agreement on the right standards of beauty, right and wrong? My definition of beauty may not be your definition of beauty, but if i have the ability to find the beauty in something you don't that doesn't make me wrong or you right, right? After the extreme deviation from the point of this blog post, I will retrace my way back and state hereon that i will keep the electronic void updated about my exercising activities. I made this blog, four days after i started my fitness regime. I hope the existence of this post will motivate me to stick to my daily workout plan. I don't want to let you down reader. For me and YOU! Imma do thiss!

So i walk in a public park a few meters away from my house. I start off with an initial slow round, followed by a brisk walk for another round, third and fourth rounds are jogging rounds and fifth is brisk walking and i conclude this routine with a relaxing sixth round. As per my knowledge the track is approximately one km. Which is not bad since i walk a total of six km per day.  Week One has been good, but today and tomorrow will be no-work-out-day because of the inter-college commerce fest that i have to cover(I'm a photographer by the way)

Stay tuned. Or not. But i'll update anyway!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

why do we say a female dog is a bitch, why not a male bitch is a dog ????



I made a blog! Yeah well my life needed a purpose or direction. An outlet for my thoughts and emotions. Hence, the jibber-jabber into electronic void! I honestly have a bad feeling that all the events and tidal wave of thoughts that i go through on a daily basis will make excellent blogging material. (Bad feeling, because lets face it, I'm awkward as ef) Also i'm certain no one will read it, unless you find boring, interesting or you are one of my friends reading this (Hi SU!) because i made you do it! If you found this while looking for some explicit unthinkable internet media, you're in the right place buddy! I am that explicit content on the internet who takes my freedom of speech too seriously! I will utilize it to my fullest! (Praying that i don't end up in jail)




Casual selfie with the ARCHITECTS