Thursday 31 July 2014

Monkeys, Waterfalls and Family!

Tuesday, the twenty ninth was Ramzan (Ramadhan Mubarak!) and it was a holiday! So my family decides to set-off and explore the most "touristy" places around my city!(i.e. Bangalore) So we set off by car in the early hours of tuesday, on a semi-tight schedule, to Bluff Falls, Talakadu, Somnathpur and Balmuri Falls!
Here is how it started!
If you follow my blog you will know i've currently been watching Skins and obviously i watched it late into the night and went to bed well past midnight! There's only so much you can expect from a late-night sleeper. I woke up forty five minutes before our car arrived and boy, was i fast! I thought i did a pretty good job with getting ready, until of course the car engine was revved up and i realised i forgot my sunglasses! How can i be tourist if i don't have sunglasses? (yes its a big deal for me ok?) Nevertheless, i did not dare utter a word about it being the late-runner of the family.
Our first pit stop was for breakfast at a tiny little Iyengari restaurant. Having had little to nothing to eat the previous i gobbled all the food i could lay my hands on! Especially the yummy puliyogare!
Our next stop was a small one at the side of the road where we saw a lake full of lotus flowers. It went on and on as far as the eyes could see! It was a brilliant sight!

Bluff falls was our first real 'destined' stop. It is actually two sets of falls of the same river a few kilometers away from each other. We, however, visited the first one only. The mighty falls were loud, rushing, threatening and beautiful. Everything a waterfall should be. You could just stare at it all day and not tire. In fact i did feel like growing some wings and flying over it! (oh silly me!) There of course we encountered a few, two, three, DOZEN monkeys! Cute little trouble makers, they were! The first thing i saw as i stepped closer to the falls was a cute little monkey chasing a rogue little girl (or is it the other way round?)

(look at the tiny one at the bottom left corner, so cute!!)

We drove a few hours, i presume, as i fell asleep in the car, to Talakad. Its a very historically-rich town. We ran into a local who offered to guide us through the past of the place. (in exchange for the moneys, of course)
Of the many stories the place has, the most well known is the curse of the queen of the land Alamelu. There are different variations of the story and this is what i was told.

The Story : The king of the land could not have any kids. But to keep his pedigree going he adopted a child from the area. The young prince grew up and was married off to Alamelu.They did not have any kids, but lived a happy life, until the king was diagnosed by the royal physician that he had bone marrow cancer. On being asked for the cure, the couple were advised by the physician to go and have a dip in the holy river of Cauvery. Unfortunately, the king drowned widowing Alamelu. The then king of mysore advised Alamelu to hand over her possessions to his kingdom and become a patron. Alamelu declined stating that it was everything her husband had earned and would not turn it in. Infuriated, the king ordered his guards to take it from her forcefully. This in turn infuriated Alamelu who uttered the following: That Talakad must be lost (that is metaphorically said in kannada as 'maralagali' due to which it was filled by sand), that a whirlpool must be created so the possessions she has and her dead body should never be found, and lastly, that the king of mysore shall not have children.
If you are wondering if it actually happened, let me state the facts and you can decide for yourself. Firstly, the temples were supposedly excavated a few decades ago and more and more excavations are resulting in more and more discoveries of temples and palaces. It is believed that there is an entire kingdom still buried under the sand ( SO EXCITING GAAAH!!)
Secondly, the mysore king, a few generations ago (i am not sure how many) was indeed unable to have children and had to adopt. There has been an alternate cycle of birthing and adopting so.......

After this we had lunch in a homely tiffin room with hot and tasty south-indian meals. From there we were all set to take off to somnathpur when my mother remembered we had not seen the river where the 'curse drama' had occured. So we did detour back into the little town and went onto the banks of river cauvery which was filled with people with wet tightie-not even that white-whities and other wet forms of clothing that was not appealing to the eyes. Since we came this far, we decided to go on a boat ride. (FUN) It was all adventure and fun until the boat man decided to do the signature spinning of the boat and i almost vomited into the boat! (PROJECTILE)
(my aunt, me and my sister)

We later found we were a few hours behind schedule and yes, this was the beginning of a word war between my sister and her mother, as my sister wanted to play in the waters of balmuri falls and my aunt wanted to revel in the history of the Somnathpur Temple. Long argument short, we decided to take a quick stop at the temple and hurry up to splash around in the water at balmuri.

In somnathpur now, it is the exact replica of the temples at Belur and Halebid, beautiful nonetheless. Breathtaking hand etched sculptures. I keep wondering how on earth they got so much done with lack of electricity and technology.

Soon after, we left to Balmuri. Let me just tell you, it was a good call not to ditch somnathpur to play in the waters of the kaveri at balmuri, because as it turns out, the water level were dangerously high and only boat rides were currently allowed and no splish-splash shizz was permitted.
Yes, another boat ride in the same river, in a different location. I must say, it was a good choice because the sunset view from a boat in the middle of the waters was the best way to end the trip! There we treated ourselves to roadside bhel puri and masala pineapples and mangoes.

The last place we stopped was also a topic of debate. But we did end up at an extravagantly exciting place. It was a food court with everyone's choice of food. I cant remember the name, but it was like a mirage in a desert. Or the casino Percy jackson enters with his friends in the first book yeah? Perfect ending to an exciting day I'd say!

Monday 28 July 2014

Life Update 1

Currently Reading: The Casual Vacancy: J.K. Rowling
Currently Watching : Skins (season 3)
Current Inspiration : ||Superwoman||
Currently Listening To : A lot of Punk Goes Pop
Current Mood : Motivated
Current Physical Condition: Lazy + non-functional
Current Thoughts : Education has taken away the real knowledge that is meant to be learnt

I could probably do a lot but I have the state of mind of a vegetable. So many thoughts in my head, but not enough outlets. This blog is literally like my personal diary isn't it? Is anybody out there reading this? Hello?

Saturday 19 July 2014

Continuous Internal Assessment

I was supposed to make this blog post yesterday.The day before my CIAs started. To record my feelings towards them before they started. Alas, i was trying to study due to which i did not post this post.

I remember the time when i was hella intelligent. When i was able to learn my lessons and remember them and write them in the exams and score brilliant marks. But the last two years have seen a downward facing graph of my academic activities. Am i losing my intelligence or am i being dumbed down by the outdated syllabus? Or am i just looking for excuses to fail in life? I know education is important to a certain but is it the only thing that matters? I strongly believe that knowledge is more important than baseless education.
Also, this is how i console myself when i get terrible marks in, how shall i put it, stupid tests. Tests that test the intelligence quotient of a half-brained homosapien. When i am unable to pass the test with flying colours, it only makes me want to believe, that much harder that i am not human, but infact i'm an extraterrestrial.

Jokes apart. What is going on in my head, i know not. I just hope the saying,"everything happens for the greater good" holds true in this case too. I have high hopes and deep thoughts. I am an intelligent being who dont need no marks to prove it. AND YET, there's this huge part of me that wails every time i get an average number on my test. When i get an answer wrong, a part of me crinkles until i'm a raisin.
Unnecessary isn't it? (TELL ME IT'S UNNECESSARY!)

I am capable of more. I know it. But when i sit my butt down and start studying, rather, attempt to start, my brain tells me, "Fool, what is the point of this? You are destined for greater things than sitting in an exam hall writing crap you will forget and will never use ever...!" Then i proceed to reblogging cat gifs on tumblr to calm myself down and the rest is well, as they say, history.
But about the 'never using the things we learn in the future' part. Am i right or am i right? Hence the cause of my lack of motivation.

I'm only here to express my self-pity and consolation.
I put in a hundred percent more effort in learning for today's test. Guess what?! My stupidity and bad reasoning abilities helped me screw up a perfectly ace-able paper. I had my mourning period. (lasting for approximately 47 minutes) I told my little brain ' Do not fret, there are other exams that can be aced! We're all in this together. We can do this'.

 Now for the actual execution. Updates and jizz will be posted.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

On being an empty void pit

I sometimes go through this phase where i feel nothing. No joy. No sorrow. No remorse. No feeling at all. I think i become a zombie of sorts. No, that is not accurate. Zombies at least feel dead and hungry for brains. I think this is more of a cyborg type feeling. But even they must feel like they have a purpose to fulfill, i bet.
But then there's me. A million things to do and not a single ounce of motivation is being felt in my body. This is of course an uncomfortable state of mind for me. I want to feel. So what do i do? I listen to emotional music. It works almost half of the times. But this time I'm on the side where it is as ineffective as pouring fresh water into the ocean. (what a comparison. wow.)
My friend suggested i listen to John Lennon. I did. I think it's not the best idea to open the floodgates of emotions, when the infant, that is, the non-emotion is still making it's way out of the damn dam. (like climbing out of the dam which was previously dry because the floodgates were holding the water away. What parent would let an infant into the dry dam at any point of time anyway? Well, it's just another bad
After listening to four songs, namely, Working Class Hero, Imagine, God and How?, I had to, shall i say, shift to less triggering songs.
Unsuccessfully shifted to La Dispute. Surprisingly, could not feel the feels i usually feel.

The only album(apparently) that helps me cope (currently) is Sempiternal by Bring Me The Horizon. It has the right amount of energy to let my brain focus on the instruments, the splendid unclean vocals and the prestigious (wowza for choice of adjective) lyrics that hit me in the right way. It makes me want to start a one-woman mosh-pit and mosh till i cant feel my body, chipped my wall off and/or make a blogpost about it. I feel much better.
Sigh.(of relief)


Monday 7 July 2014

Bangs bangs bangity bangs!

Yes, it is a How I Met Your Mother reference. No, it's not what you think.

I recently got my hair cut. I got myself some bangs on my forehead (as opposed to.....). I can actually say my inspiration have been the following people.

Elena Tonra
Look at her magnificent hair! I think my need for bangs started when i first started listening to her band, Daughter. Brilliant music I must say. 'If i had hair like hers, then i am the lucky one'

Zooey Deschanel
Yes yes yes. I am a "New Girl" fan. I love Jess, her personality and style. I binge watch New Girl a lot! That explains it doesn't it?


Hannah Snowdown
If you do not know who Hannah Snowdown is..... She is a tattoo artist and also a model. ( She models for Drop Dead a lot) Let me tell you how i learnt about her. I first saw her in Oli Sykes' ( from Bring Me The Horizon) pictures on instagram (if i'm not wrong) Then i happened to check her instagram out and realised she's a wonderful human being. And i liked her there's that. 

Taylor Swift
I  AM putting up a picture of Taylor Swift. YES. I remember when i was 14/15, she was a huge inspiration to me, in terms of hair, since we both had frizzy, curly hair and she motivated me to like my hair even though it was not very 'likable'. (I was a huge fan of her music too then). Then fast forward to 2012/13 she has straight hair with wonderful, envy-able bangs. Well, i don't really know.
(yes i have taylor swift on my blog...oh)

Krysten Ritter 
No no, it's not Hannah Snowdown again. (You see the similarity don't you?) Krysten Ritter. My first encounters with her were in the movies like 27 Dresses, Confessions of A Shopaholic....but the encounter that stuck was her as Jane in Breaking Bad. First, because she is a badass punk chic. Second, because she got to be Jesse Pinkman's girlfriend (exhales) Third, she looks like Hannah Snowdown and is also a tattoo artist like her. Oh and of course....the haaaair! 

My hair on the other hand looks 0% like any of theirs. Make my hair look like that!!(sobs)
On the other hand, on extremely good hair days i am the fifth member of The Beatles!

(have a trippy hippie fail picture of me)

Saturday 5 July 2014

John Green Books

I recently read two of John Green's books. One-An Abundance of Katherines. Two- Paper Towns. I fell in love with the latter and developed mixed feelings about the former. I have now read four out of five books by John Green. (just putting it out there)

An  Abundance of Katherines

Bun Dance Of Ana Inskat
Funk Cant Dine On A Bear Eh
Cant Hand An Oak Feris Bunee
Aana B Is Not Here Neck Fund
Nanies Bun Dance KO A Father

If you're wondering what those extremely random bunch of sentences are, let me tell you. That is my meagre effort at anagramming An Abundance of Katherines. Clearly I suck at it. But that is my way of paying tribute to the book. If you have read the book you'll know why i anagrammed it. If you haven't, you're probably a bit confused what anagramming has to do with the book. (or not) It's because, it has everything to do with the book. It is the story about one Colin Singleton who was a child prodigy, who likes anagrams and has single handedly dated nineteen Katherines. The concept is different and obviously well written, but the amount and degree of coincidence in the book, which i would generally die for, didn't do it for me. It is quite predictable. You know the Katherine Streak is going to end, but you still feel the urge to root for it not to. The story is interesting in it's own way and when you are just getting used to the beginning of the new love story, the book ends. Just like that. I guess that's only fair since it is no longer the abundance of the 'Katherines', in Colin's life. All in all, after Looking For Alaska and TFIOS, I was personally a little let down by this book, but I do love it nonetheless.

Paper Towns
Have you ever read a book that you start, but you want to keep reading it, stopping at nothing, not even early classes the next day? This book falls under that category. It is about Quentin "Q" Jacobsen's search for the love of his life, Margo Roth Spiegelman. Throughout the book I felt this deep longing to imbibe Margo into my cells so I can be like her. John Green has done it with this one. I could honestly re-read it anytime and not get tired of it. John Green has a way of choosing the most random themes for his books. I'm not complaining here. 
The book came out after the year of Brotherhood 2.0 and I couldn't stop myself from fangirling when i saw the slightest reference from the Brotherhood era. (NERDFIGHTER HU HAH)

"A paper town for a paper girl"
"It is so hard to leave, until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world"
There are actually many more such lines from the book i loved, but couldn't write them all down because i just wanted to know what happens. So now you know, even though i am unable to express it in the right way, i just could not put the book down until i was done. 
So get busy reading it!