Saturday 19 July 2014

Continuous Internal Assessment

I was supposed to make this blog post yesterday.The day before my CIAs started. To record my feelings towards them before they started. Alas, i was trying to study due to which i did not post this post.

I remember the time when i was hella intelligent. When i was able to learn my lessons and remember them and write them in the exams and score brilliant marks. But the last two years have seen a downward facing graph of my academic activities. Am i losing my intelligence or am i being dumbed down by the outdated syllabus? Or am i just looking for excuses to fail in life? I know education is important to a certain but is it the only thing that matters? I strongly believe that knowledge is more important than baseless education.
Also, this is how i console myself when i get terrible marks in, how shall i put it, stupid tests. Tests that test the intelligence quotient of a half-brained homosapien. When i am unable to pass the test with flying colours, it only makes me want to believe, that much harder that i am not human, but infact i'm an extraterrestrial.

Jokes apart. What is going on in my head, i know not. I just hope the saying,"everything happens for the greater good" holds true in this case too. I have high hopes and deep thoughts. I am an intelligent being who dont need no marks to prove it. AND YET, there's this huge part of me that wails every time i get an average number on my test. When i get an answer wrong, a part of me crinkles until i'm a raisin.
Unnecessary isn't it? (TELL ME IT'S UNNECESSARY!)

I am capable of more. I know it. But when i sit my butt down and start studying, rather, attempt to start, my brain tells me, "Fool, what is the point of this? You are destined for greater things than sitting in an exam hall writing crap you will forget and will never use ever...!" Then i proceed to reblogging cat gifs on tumblr to calm myself down and the rest is well, as they say, history.
But about the 'never using the things we learn in the future' part. Am i right or am i right? Hence the cause of my lack of motivation.

I'm only here to express my self-pity and consolation.
I put in a hundred percent more effort in learning for today's test. Guess what?! My stupidity and bad reasoning abilities helped me screw up a perfectly ace-able paper. I had my mourning period. (lasting for approximately 47 minutes) I told my little brain ' Do not fret, there are other exams that can be aced! We're all in this together. We can do this'.

 Now for the actual execution. Updates and jizz will be posted.

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