Monday 7 July 2014

Bangs bangs bangity bangs!

Yes, it is a How I Met Your Mother reference. No, it's not what you think.

I recently got my hair cut. I got myself some bangs on my forehead (as opposed to.....). I can actually say my inspiration have been the following people.

Elena Tonra
Look at her magnificent hair! I think my need for bangs started when i first started listening to her band, Daughter. Brilliant music I must say. 'If i had hair like hers, then i am the lucky one'

Zooey Deschanel
Yes yes yes. I am a "New Girl" fan. I love Jess, her personality and style. I binge watch New Girl a lot! That explains it doesn't it?


Hannah Snowdown
If you do not know who Hannah Snowdown is..... She is a tattoo artist and also a model. ( She models for Drop Dead a lot) Let me tell you how i learnt about her. I first saw her in Oli Sykes' ( from Bring Me The Horizon) pictures on instagram (if i'm not wrong) Then i happened to check her instagram out and realised she's a wonderful human being. And i liked her there's that. 

Taylor Swift
I  AM putting up a picture of Taylor Swift. YES. I remember when i was 14/15, she was a huge inspiration to me, in terms of hair, since we both had frizzy, curly hair and she motivated me to like my hair even though it was not very 'likable'. (I was a huge fan of her music too then). Then fast forward to 2012/13 she has straight hair with wonderful, envy-able bangs. Well, i don't really know.
(yes i have taylor swift on my blog...oh)

Krysten Ritter 
No no, it's not Hannah Snowdown again. (You see the similarity don't you?) Krysten Ritter. My first encounters with her were in the movies like 27 Dresses, Confessions of A Shopaholic....but the encounter that stuck was her as Jane in Breaking Bad. First, because she is a badass punk chic. Second, because she got to be Jesse Pinkman's girlfriend (exhales) Third, she looks like Hannah Snowdown and is also a tattoo artist like her. Oh and of course....the haaaair! 

My hair on the other hand looks 0% like any of theirs. Make my hair look like that!!(sobs)
On the other hand, on extremely good hair days i am the fifth member of The Beatles!

(have a trippy hippie fail picture of me)

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