Tuesday 9 September 2014

Bookworm Saga: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

I just found my new Heroine! Lisbeth Salander. Badass-punk-chick with an in-your-face, up-your-a$$ attitude who is an excellent researcher with a photographic memory who gets what she wants and how! The book title is about my Heroine, and is the first in the trilogy by Stieg Larsson. 
The book was originally written in swedish and the swedish title actually translated to 'men who hate women'. It was translated from Swedish to English, by one Reg Keeland, thank heavens for that! It is one of the most exciting books i have read. The initial parts of the book was honestly, to me a bit boring but once the plot took-off i could not take my eyes off the pages and my fingers from turning the pages. It is all based in Sweden apart from being exotic (to me) it literally gave me chills in the middle of the night when i read certain parts of the book. (wont type out those parts, you should read it!)
I have to show-off here and say i could deduce who the 'culprit' was. If most of you could also do it then....well.....alrighty then. 
I particularly liked Lisbeth's action plans, her attitude towards everything and everyone, her action and consequences analysis and most of all her tattoos and piercings. I just love the fact that Stieg Larsson thought up a punk heroine while most authors would make a tall slender red-head who's the society's version of 'attractive'. I know that is not the central theme or whatever but different people learn and think differently and this is what appealed to me the most ok? Ok. That is obviously apart from the brilliant storyline, which i shouldn't type out, because where's the fun in reading my version of the story right? So if you've not read the book, READ IT! And if you have, lets fangirl about it!!
I can finally watch the movie now, because i would not let myself watch the movie without reading the book first. Daniel Craig's jawline, here i come! 

Next on my Bookworm Saga List: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Can't wait! 

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