Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Bookworm Saga

What is The Bookworm Saga?

If you are an active Facebook user, you should be aware (no pressure) of the so called 'Bookbucket Challenge' or whatever name it goes by from where you're around. As a person who has made it pretty clear that she loves books, i was tagged, obviously. But lets rewind a bit here. When the book challenge started initially, i was in awe of the kind of books people had read and also to see some people being unable to choose from the 'hundreds of books' they'd read. HUNDREDS!
My face was burning, i was mortified. For a self-proclaimed book lover, the number of books i've read is indeed a shame. I don't think all the books i've read in my two decade old life will add up to a hundred (unless you count all the nancy drew books and the Goosebumps books huh?) and to think about the hundreds, hell, thousands of books i haven't got my chubby fingers on yet makes my head whirl.

So, the solution has been thought of! I challenge myself to a book reading challenge. Every week i will choose a book or an author and read it. Then i review it, probably. Or declare the accomplishment of the challenge into the void, that is the internet. If there are actual humans reading this, do not hesitate to join me! We can have a book club and everything! (fun fun fun!)

The Bookworm Saga Goal: The month is september. Four months till its 2015. (THE FUTURE)
I will exclude my exam month of october as i dont think i acn do much reading then SO, based on rough estimation, with ingenious mathematics,
3 months x 4 weeks = 12 weeks.
12 weeks. 2 books a week (minimum)
That is, 24 books.
Small number. But then again, rough estimates and unwelcome exams.
Therefore, Book Goal by New Year 2015, 24 books atleast!

Let the Saga commence! 

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