Saturday 15 February 2014

On Valentine's Day

Everybody gets mushy and either extremely happy or extremely sad when it's valentines day. I, on the other hand turn sardonic. It's the way the day is portrayed. I am single and I am happy. It's not a lie i tell myself to help me sleep at night, it's the truth. I do not have the momentary need on valentines day for someone else to make me feel like a whole person. I didn't quite have the intention of ranting about this until one of my friends asked me how my valentine's day was. I'm sure she didn't mean to make it sound like she was mocking me, but it did feel that way as anyone who knows me, knows i do not stand for the mainstream propagations ( especially the ones where the greeting card companies to make a profit) She went on to say that since she had no one to gift her anything she bought herself a gift to make herself happy. She also told me to do the same. Buy myself some chocolates and eat them. Like binge eating i suppose? Because im single and no guy wants to go out with me?

I honestly do not give a flying duck about not having some GUY on a day where everyone acts as romantic as Manny is everyday. I do not hold my self-worth based on a relationship i cant conjure because my standards are exceptionally abnormal to be met with. Telling yourself or others that "Its okay, feel better with chocolates" is not a way of consoling them. It is a way to say, "feel bad because no one loves you". That is not true because i do have people who love me and they don't need that one day to show it. The need for a guy to complete me? That is not a compliment to the guy, but an insult to myself. An insult because, one need not feel incomplete due to the lack of a lover/love-maker person. You are a whole person, in yourself. You should not believe anything less and neither should you let anyone treat you or make you feel that way.

I may sound like a crazy-preacher person, because sometimes i need to let that person in me out and make this world a better place for me to live in! Get it? A bit selfish, because who isn't? Also im not running for president. So feel good and if you ever feel like no one loves you, you're wrong because I DO!

Much Love.


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