Wednesday 5 February 2014

Cannot be a blogger no more

I started this blog with hopes of become a pro with words on the internet. But that was before my exam results came out. I failed. Miserably. It's not that i'm stupid, the exam is a difficult one and needed ten times more preparation. But i think i should put up regular updates about my soon to-be nerd life. So, in that way you can detect a pattern and if i kill myself you can alert the appropriate people. (Probably a bit of exaggeration, but just from earlier experience) (also pointless since i lost all my readers in an unfortunate week of fests and tests)

I have decided to concentrate on the concepts so i will grow to like all the subjects instead of loathing them. I have currently started learning Liquidation of Companies. Piece of cake! 

See you on the other side!

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