Sunday 11 January 2015

The 2015 Reading Challenge Update

I am finally starting the Reading Challenge. This was due to my reading overdue from last year, aka from two weeks ago. I was reading A Song of  Ice and Fire. I was under the impression i would have uninterrupted reading time and finish the book in less than a week. Unrealistic assumptions and two weeks into the new year later, i'm ready to take up this challenge!

I wrote down the list on sheets of paper and started looking up books in my bookshelf. Turns out, not many match the list! So, monday happens to be the day i can borrow books from the library in my college. I'm going to scower the one shelf of novels (yup, ONE) and try and utilise my free library membership to the fullest!

The first challenge i'm taking up is
#23 A Book More Than 100 Years Old
The search for the book was extremely convenient. I looked up books more than a hundred years old and found nothing. Yeah, i swear! Then i looked up "Classic Authors and Books". As i scanned the list i saw "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the book i had borrowed from a friend probably a year ago and never got around to reading, but i should definitely be returning it soon. This was a win-win situation for me, as the book is a 131 years old. WHoa!

The second challenge
#17 A Book A Friend Recommended
In October 2014, a friend of mine asked me if i had read Judy Blume. I hadn't and so she gladly loaned me her copy of "Summer Sisters". Which, i obviously haven't read yet. So i chose to cross of number #17 with this book!

ALSO! (a small book haul!)

I watch a lot of youtubers and a lot them have been coming out with books. One book i've been very keen on reading is Grace Helbig's, " Grace's Guide : The Art of Pretending To Be A Grown-up"

I don't know what challenge I'll put this under, but i just cannot wait to read this book! I can bet anything this will be a LOL-trip!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

2015 Reading Challenge

Oh hello there! No, i haven't fallen off the face of the earth, as some would like to think of my whereabouts. I know the previous book challenge i took up was an utter failure. Failure is just a lesson learnt here for me, to not set unrealistic reading goals.
Therefore, as a part of my New Year 2015 Resolution and under the subsection "Intellectual Goals" of my "Life Goals", I'm taking up the 2015 Reading Challenge!
Whilst scrolling through Pinterest, I found this list and even before my mind could process it, i knew the answer to, "Should I do this?" was "YESSSS!"

I shall keep a track of the books i read this year, here! It's going to be just like Julie & Julia except, there's no Julia at all and the "recipes" I'm trying will feed the hunger of my mind! 
A few of my friends are also joining in and it's going to be a book rave if you ask me! 
Join in the fun if you like! 

With this, i start The Bookworm Saga 2015! :D