Saturday 11 October 2014

I wanted to leave a mark on the world. So i took a walk on the beach. I let the soft sand sink under my feet as i pondered. I stopped and turned around. I had left a trail. I had left a mark indeed. As i smiled, the warm water rushed against my feet and washed away my trail. Disappointed i walked on to the mountainside. I stood in the valley and shouted in frustration. My voice echoed and i was reprimanded by my own voice. I lifted my head to see the rocky high structures. High into the clouds and rising. If i ever was to leave a mark, i decided, i would rise above and stand up tall. I will live on for hundreds, if not, thousands of years. When other youngbloods reach the valley of echoing frustration and look up, just like i did, they will find me. Towering over them with the message of truth. The truth that anything is possible.