Thursday 15 May 2014

On The Edge

I do not know if it's the lack of power naps for the past two days or my dry social life in general. I have been surrounded by people constantly for the past two days and i pray that is not the reason for my annoyed state of mind. Everything is pissing me off. I don't want to study about notional and actual profits. Who actually cares about notional and actual profits? I want to sleep. SLEEP. There are cockroaches everywhere and I think I've stepped on and killed dozens of those bastards.

I just want to go home. Sleep in my own bed! In silence (probably with some good music yeah). I don't want guests home. I usually don't mind, but not presently. But my mom is in quite an inviting mood. Probably means I have to share my room? I'm sharing and caring a lot.
Stupid TV soaps are stupid. So unnecessarily loud and dramatic. I want to slap the TV screen.
I'm hungry. There's no food at home. Don't want to go out. I'm not sorry.
What is my future? Why is money important? Where has all the fun gone?

I'm so behind schedule i might just fail. So much to complete. So little time. So many mood swings. What is life? SIGH

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Mid-week at grammys!

I have a major exam coming up in two weeks and I'm unable to take it seriously.  So I decided it would be a good idea to get out of my comfort zone and try get some studying done at my grammys! My granny currently lives with her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter, who've gone out on vacation and have requested my mom and my aunt to stay with her while they were gone and i joined them. My granny had a knee replacement surgery and has trouble getting around. Watching her struggle breaks my heart, having seen her actively walk around and now having to watch her unable to do so is painful to me, as much as it is for her. Listening to her talk about her life now puts things in perspective. Setting things off in my mind. I want to be able to help my parents in their old age and not abandon them! But my plans in life will take me away from them and that makes it hard for me to make decisions. Hopefully I find a way to make this all work. 

Monday 12 May 2014

Hello, I'm New!

I was previously a keen blogger on wordpress but all my favourite blogs were on blogger! I wondered if there was a way i could import my wordpress posts to blogger because i didn't feel like starting from scratch! I was pleasantly surprised to find out it did exist! I had scrolled past the option a hundred times and just looked past it's power to make my life easier!  Im here now, hoping to create waves! That is after the eighth of june, after i'm done with my gruesome, sucky IPC exams! :(