Friday 25 April 2014

This Is The Start Of My Existential Crisis

The human body. That's how this thought process started. The human body is so complex. And what's scarier is that there are people who know how this complexity works. There are so many organs inside me. How is it held together? I dont know. Protected by bones, flesh and skin. Im more than just skin deep. I am the same as anyone on the other side of the world and yet we have two completely different lives.
NOW, my brain is analysing. Remembering. Reasoning. Thinking somehow. My mind is actually my brain.(?) It tells me things. I respond to it. it's like like there are two entities inside me. My thoughts and then there's my actions. Why?? How??
What is the meaning of all this? God must really exist then. But who made God? How can something come out of nothing? It scares me.
Have you ever thought about the sun? The sun is a big ball of fire just floating in space. JUST FLOATING. Nothing on top, nothing below it. Just suspended by God knows(well) what!?  Around this there are nine rocks revolving and rotating. Just following an invisible path and staying on it. Not faltering even for a second. WELL HELLO! We are all riding a big-ass rock that is somehow going around this big ball of flames for apparently millions of years. If it changed even a little, even for a millisecond, we would probably die.
But here we all are, worried about little things like how we never have enough money or how "their car is bigger than ours". We are a part of something SO SO big! So much bigger than us. We are basically nothing. We are alive today, we die tomorrow. But the earth, sun and the other planets go on. Even dead suns become stars to us. We are that unimportant.
What if we are actually a speck of dust? I mean, the infinite universe we belong to is a speck in a bigger outer universe, we don't even now. In relativity to this are our worries significant? Is it worth living another normal life? Wouldn't it be more fulfilling if this earth was explored thoroughly? If that was even possible. Because this planet is huge to us, but a tiny pebble in the universe. We can't travel the universe yet but shouldn't we at least try to get to know the pebble we live on?
I think we should all just leave our lives behind and dance in the fields, sing to the stars and jump into the water from a hill!
But the fact that i have realised the truth and yet live just like an ignorant makes my chest hurt and after this i am going to return to my taxation books to learn about how the government has helped avoiding re taxation. Irrelevant but unfortunately unavoidable till i can develop the guts to be unafraid and run head-first into the life that awaits me on the other side.