Thursday 13 March 2014

Your penis is not a license!

As a girl in today's society i don't think i feel any more empowered than a woman in the 1950's. I do not know the origin of this social imbalance. Why and how men were thought to be better and how there was a general agreement of sorts that women are not. But what if the part where a man decided he was better didn't happen? What if he decided women are his equals? I can only dream of such euphoria. Technically, men are in fact in no way better than women other than their ability to stand up while urinating, which is not the ultimate decider of greatness in any way. Women are just as capable and strong as men. We can do a better job in dresses and heels, than men can in their "I'm Better" clothes. We're more gentle, more emotional and more thoughtful, does this not count as factors that make us better? But we are labelled frail, wreck and clingy. If every woman, in the world decided not to carry out her womanly duties (as it's called) then i am willing to bet my freedom as a woman (which is not going to fetch you much) that the world will fall apart.

Men think they have a right to do whatever they want to women because of pre-historic foolishness that they are the superior apes. Apes, indeed! The amount of rape cases has risen to such an extent that it's not even taken seriously anymore. Rape is honestly the most ridiculous crime. Here i must state that, rape isn't confined only to horny men but also women. That said, what exactly triggers rape? Most idiots would say, " Oh the girls provocative dressing of course". Well you're really wrong and you should know that. Dressing provocatively? That means a girl has no rights to dress the way she wants, because she may trigger feelings in a man that he need not control, but she should of course, understand that men are incapable of keeping their urges to themselves and will end up expressing it to her and she will have to take the blame because she's a little slut. Is that it? Just because you have a penis does not mean you can put it in her. But that doesn't make a man an emotional wreck or weak. It is a sign of his manhood i suppose. But what makes him think he can do what he wants? Who's giving him the wrong idea that women are walking and talking copulation devices? We're not! We have the same urges and feelings as well. We don't go around expressing it ( few  exceptions of course). But thanks to the ill-fate bestowed on us by Mother Nature (oh the irony) even if we do express our urges, we bear the our own uterus.

The unfair discrimination women face because we're women is just that.......unfair. We are conditioned to think that as girls we can do only certain things, the rest must not be taken on by us. 

This picture speaks for itself. This is how we're conditioned. A very few of us are lucky enough to realize the place we're given in society is not what we deserve, we deserve more. The luckier ones do something about it. The unfortunate ones are those who are lucky enough to realize this and not do anything about it. As for the ones who do not have the luxury of such a realization will lead, i believe, a blissful life in the ignorance of their power.